Defined in uproot.writing.identify on line 1766.
- uproot.writing.identify.to_TProfile2D(fName, fTitle, data, fEntries, fTsumw, fTsumw2, fTsumwx, fTsumwx2, fTsumwy, fTsumwy2, fTsumwxy, fTsumwz, fTsumwz2, fSumw2, fBinEntries, fBinSumw2, fXaxis, fYaxis, fZaxis=None, fScalefactor=1.0, fZmin=0.0, fZmax=0.0, fErrorMode=0, fNcells=None, fBarOffset=0, fBarWidth=1000, fMaximum=-1111.0, fMinimum=-1111.0, fNormFactor=0.0, fContour=None, fOption='', fFunctions=None, fBufferSize=0, fBuffer=None, fBinStatErrOpt=0, fStatOverflows=2, fLineColor=602, fLineStyle=1, fLineWidth=1, fFillColor=0, fFillStyle=1001, fMarkerColor=1, fMarkerStyle=1, fMarkerSize=1.0)
- Parameters:
fName (None or str) – Temporary name, will be overwritten by the writing process because Uproot’s write syntax is
file[name] = histogram
.fTitle (str) – Real title of the histogram.
data (numpy.ndarray or uproot.models.TArray.Model_TArray) – Bin contents with first bin as underflow, last bin as overflow. The dtype of this array must be float64.
fEntries (float) – Number of entries. (https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/classTH1.html)
fTsumw (float) – Total Sum of weights.
fTsumw2 (float) – Total Sum of squares of weights.
fTsumwx (float) – Total Sum of weight*X.
fTsumwx2 (float) – Total Sum of weight*X*X.
fTsumwy (float) – Total Sum of weight*Y. (TH2 only: https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/classTH2.html)
fTsumwy2 (float) – Total Sum of weight*Y*Y. (TH2 only.)
fTsumwxy (float) – Total Sum of weight*X*Y. (TH2 only.)
fTsumwz (float) – Total Sum of weight*Z. (TProfile2D only: https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/classTProfile2D.html)
fTsumwz2 (float) – Total Sum of weight*Z*Z. (TProfile2D only.)
fSumw2 (None or numpy.ndarray of numpy.float64 or uproot.models.TArray.Model_TArrayD) – Array of sum of squares of weights. If None, a zero-length uproot.models.TArray.Model_TArrayD is created in its place.
fBinEntries (numpy.ndarray of numpy.float64 or uproot.models.TArray.Model_TArrayD) – Number of entries per bin. (TProfile2D only.)
fBinSumw2 (numpy.ndarray of numpy.float64 or uproot.models.TArray.Model_TArrayD) – Array of sum of squares of weights per bin. (TProfile2D only.)
fXaxis (uproot.models.TH.Model_TAxis_v10) – Use uproot.writing.identify.to_TAxis with
.fYaxis (uproot.models.TH.Model_TAxis_v10) – Use uproot.writing.identify.to_TAxis with
.fZaxis (None or uproot.models.TH.Model_TAxis_v10) – None generates a default for 1D and 2D histograms.
fScalefactor (float) – Scale factor. (TH2 only.)
fZmin (float) – Lower limit in Z (if set). (TProfile2D only.)
fZmax (float) – Upper limit in Z (if set). (TProfile2D only.)
fErrorMode (int) – Option to compute errors. (TProfile2D only.)
fNcells (None or int) – Number of bins(1D), cells (2D) +U/Overflows. Computed from
if None.fBarOffset (int) – (1000*offset) for bar charts or legos
fBarWidth (int) – (1000*width) for bar charts or legos
fMaximum (float) – Maximum value for plotting.
fMinimum (float) – Minimum value for plotting.
fNormFactor (float) – Normalization factor.
fContour (None or numpy.ndarray of numpy.float64 or uproot.models.TArray.Model_TArrayD) – Array to display contour levels. None generates an empty array.
fOption (str or uproot.models.TString.Model_TString) – Histogram options.
fFunctions (None, list, or uproot.models.TList.Model_TList) – ->Pointer to list of functions (fits and user). None generates an empty list.
fBufferSize (None or int) – fBuffer size. Computed from
if None.fBuffer (None or numpy.ndarray of numpy.float64) – Buffer of entries accumulated before automatically choosing the binning. (Irrelevant for serialization?) None generates an empty array.
fBinStatErrOpt (int) – Option for bin statistical errors.
fStatOverflows (int) – Per object flag to use under/overflows in statistics.
fLineColor (int) – Line color. (https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/classTAttLine.html)
fLineStyle (int) – Line style.
fLineWidth (int) – Line width.
fFillColor (int) – Fill area color. (https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/classTAttFill.html)
fFillStyle (int) – Fill area style.
fMarkerColor (int) – Marker color. (https://root.cern.ch/doc/master/classTAttMarker.html)
fMarkerStyle (int) – Marker style.
fMarkerSize (float) – Marker size.
This function is for developers to create TProfile2D objects that can be written to ROOT files, to implement conversion routines.