
Defined in uproot.model on line 254.

uproot.model.class_named(classname, version=None, custom_classes=None)

Returns a class with a given C++ (decoded) classname.

If version is None, no attempt is made to find a specific version.

  • If the class is a uproot.model.DispatchByVersion, then this is object returned.

  • If the class is a versionless model, then this is the object returned.

If version is an integer, an attempt is made to find the specific version.

  • If the class is a uproot.model.DispatchByVersion, then it is queried for a versioned model.

  • If the class is a versionless model, then this is the object returned.

If custom_classes are provided, then these are searched (exclusively) for the class. If custom_classes is None, then uproot.classes is used.

No classes are created if a class is not found (an error is raised).