Defined in uproot.models.TLeaf on line 206.
Inheritance order: |
- class uproot.models.TLeaf.Model_TLeafS_v1
A uproot.model.VersionedModel for
version 1 (numpy.int16
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.classname
The C++ (decoded) classname of the modeled class.
See uproot.classname_decode, uproot.classname_encode, and uproot.model.classname_version.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.encoded_classname
The Python (encoded) classname of the modeled class. May or may not include version.
See uproot.classname_decode, uproot.classname_encode, and uproot.model.classname_version.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.class_version
The version number of the modeled class (int) if any; None otherwise.
See uproot.classname_decode, uproot.classname_encode, and uproot.model.classname_version.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.cursor
A cursor pointing to the start of this instance in the byte stream (before read_numbytes_version).
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.file
A uproot.ReadOnlyFile, which may be open and readable, or a uproot.reading.DetachedFile, which only contains information about the original file (not an open file handle).
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.close()
Closes the file from which this object is derived, if such a file is still attached (i.e. not uproot.reading.DetachedFile).
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.closed
True if the associated file is known to be closed; False if it is known to be open. If the associated file is detached (uproot.reading.DetachedFile), then the value is None.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.parent
The object that was deserialized before this one in recursive descent, usually the containing object (or the container’s container).
Inherited from uproot.Model.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.members
A dict of C++ member data directly associated with this class (i.e. not its superclasses). For all members, see all_members.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.member(name, all=True, none_if_missing=False)
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the member datum to retrieve.
all (bool) – If True, recursively search all superclasses in bases. Otherwise, search the direct class only.
none_if_missing (bool) – If a member datum doesn’t exist in the search path,
has this function return None, butnone_if_missing=False
would have it raise an exception. Note that None is a possible value for some member data.
Returns a C++ member datum by name.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.bases
List of uproot.Model objects representing superclass data for this object in the order given in C++ (opposite method resolution order).
If this object has no superclasses,
is empty.If it has one superclass, which itself might have superclasses,
has length 1.Only if this object multiply inherits from more than one superclass at the same level does
have length greater than 1.
Since multiple inheritance is usually avoided,
rarely has length greater than 1. A linear chain of superclasses deriving from super-superclasses is represented bybases
containing an object whosebases
contains objects.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.is_instance(*cls)
Returns True if this object matches a given type in the C++ class hierarchy.
arguments may be Python classes or C++ classname strings to match.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.num_bytes
Number of bytes expected in the (uncompressed) serialization of this instance.
This value may be None (unknown before reading) or an integer.
If the value is an integer and the object exists (no exceptions in read), then the expected number of bytes agreed with the actual number of bytes, and this numer is reliable.
If this object is re-serialized, it won’t necessarily occupy the same number of bytes.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.instance_version
Version of this instance as read from the byte stream.
If this model is versioned (uproot.model.VersionedModel), the
ought to be equal to the class_version.If this model is versionless, the
contains new information about the actual version deserialized.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.is_memberwise
True if the object was serialized in ROOT’s memberwise format; False otherwise.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- classmethod Model_TLeafS_v1.awkward_form(file, context)
- Parameters:
cls (subclass of uproot.Model) – This class.
file (uproot.ReadOnlyFile) – File to use to generate uproot.Model classes from its streamers and
for error messages.context (dict) – Context for the Form-generation; defaults are the remaining arguments below.
index_format (str) – Format to use for indexes of the
; may be"i32"
, or"i64"
.header (bool) – If True, include header fields of each C++ class.
tobject_header (bool) – If True, include header fields of each
base class.breadcrumbs (tuple of class objects) – Used to check for recursion. Types that contain themselves cannot be Awkward Arrays because the depth of instances is unknown.
to use to put objects of type type in an Awkward Array.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- classmethod Model_TLeafS_v1.strided_interpretation(file, header=False, tobject_header=True, breadcrumbs=(), original=None)
- Parameters:
cls (subclass of uproot.Model) – This class.
file (uproot.ReadOnlyFile) – File to use to generate uproot.Model classes from its streamers and
for error messages.header (bool) – If True, assume the outermost object has a header.
tobject_header (bool) – If True, assume that
have headers.original (None, uproot.Model, or uproot.containers.Container) – The original, non-strided model or container.
breadcrumbs (tuple of class objects) – Used to check for recursion. Types that contain themselves cannot be strided because the depth of instances is unknown.
Returns a list of (str,
) pairs to build a uproot.AsStridedObjects interpretation.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.tojson()
Serializes this object in its ROOT JSON form (as Python lists and dicts, which can be passed to
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- classmethod Model_TLeafS_v1.empty()
Creates a model instance (of subclass
) with no data; all required attributes are None or empty.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- classmethod Model_TLeafS_v1.read(chunk, cursor, context, file, selffile, parent, concrete=None)
- Parameters:
cls (subclass of uproot.Model) – Class to instantiate.
chunk (uproot.source.chunk.Chunk) – Buffer of contiguous data from the file uproot.source.chunk.Source.
cursor (uproot.Cursor) – Current position in that
.context (dict) – Auxiliary data used in deserialization.
file (uproot.ReadOnlyFile) – An open file object, capable of generating new uproot.Model classes from its streamers.
selffile (uproot.reading.CommonFileMethods) – A possibly uproot.reading.DetachedFile associated with this object.
parent (None or calling object) – The previous
in the recursive descent.concrete (None or uproot.Model instance) – If None, this model corresponds to the concrete (instantiated) class in C++. Otherwise, this model represents a superclass part of the object, and
points to the concrete instance.
Creates a model instance by reading data from a file.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.read_numbytes_version(chunk, cursor, context)
- Parameters:
chunk (uproot.source.chunk.Chunk) – Buffer of contiguous data from the file uproot.source.chunk.Source.
cursor (uproot.Cursor) – Current position in that
.context (dict) – Auxiliary data used in deserialization.
Reads the number of bytes and instance version from the byte stream, which is usually 6 bytes (4 + 2). Bits with special meanings are appropriately masked out.
Some types don’t have a 6-byte header or handle it differently; in those cases, this method should be overridden.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.read_members(chunk, cursor, context, file)
- Parameters:
chunk (uproot.source.chunk.Chunk) – Buffer of contiguous data from the file uproot.source.chunk.Source.
cursor (uproot.Cursor) – Current position in that
.context (dict) – Auxiliary data used in deserialization.
file (uproot.ReadOnlyFile) – An open file object, capable of generating new uproot.Model classes from its streamers.
Reads the member data for this class. The abstract class uproot.Model has an empty
method; this must be overridden by subclasses.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.check_numbytes(chunk, cursor, context)
- Parameters:
chunk (uproot.source.chunk.Chunk) – Buffer of contiguous data from the file uproot.source.chunk.Source.
cursor (uproot.Cursor) – Current position in that
.context (dict) – Auxiliary data used in deserialization.
Reads nothing; checks the expected number of bytes against the actual movement of the
at the end of the object, possibly raising a uproot.DeserializationError exception.If num_bytes is None, this method does nothing.
It is possible that a subclass would override this method, but not likely.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.postprocess(chunk, cursor, context, file)
- Parameters:
chunk (uproot.source.chunk.Chunk) – Buffer of contiguous data from the file uproot.source.chunk.Source.
cursor (uproot.Cursor) – Current position in that
.context (dict) – Auxiliary data used in deserialization.
file (uproot.ReadOnlyFile) – An open file object, capable of generating new uproot.Model classes from its streamers.
Called for any additional processing after the object has been fully read.
The return value from this method is the object that actually represents the ROOT data, which might be a different instance or even a different type from this class. The default in uproot.Model is to return
.Note that for versioned models, postprocess is called first, then postprocess is called on its output, allowing a uproot.model.DispatchByVersion to refine all data of its type, regardless of version.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.hook_before_read_members(**kwargs)
Called in read, after read_numbytes_version and before read_members.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.hook_after_read_members(**kwargs)
Called in read, after read_members and before check_numbytes.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.hook_before_postprocess(**kwargs)
Called in read, after check_numbytes and before postprocess.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.to_writable()
- Parameters:
obj (uproot.Model instance of the same C++ class) – The object to convert to this class version.
Returns a writable version of this object or raises a NotImplementedError if no writable version exists.
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.serialize(name=None)
Serialize a object (from num_bytes and version onward) for writing into an output ROOT file.
If a
is given, override the object’s current name.This method has not been implemented on all classes (raises NotImplementedError).
Inherited from uproot.Model.
- Model_TLeafS_v1.to_pyroot(name=None)
- Parameters:
name (str or None) – A name for the new PyROOT object.
Converts this uproot.Model into a PyROOT object if it is writable. A minority of Uproot models are writable, mostly just histograms. Writability is necessary for conversion to PyROOT because it is serialized through a ROOT TMessage.