
Defined in uproot.behaviors.TGraphAsymmErrors on line 16.

class uproot.behaviors.TGraphAsymmErrors.TGraphAsymmErrors

Behaviors for TGraphAsymmErrors: get values and errors as NumPy arrays.



axis (int or str) – If 0, -2, or "x", get the x axis. If 1, -1, or "y", get the y axis. If "both", get "x" and "y" axes as a 2-tuple.

Returns the values of all points in the scatter plot, either as a 1-dimensional NumPy array (if axis selects only one) or as a 2-tuple (if axis="both").


TGraphAsymmErrors.errors(which, axis='both')
  • which (str) – If "low" or "high", get the low-side or high-side error. If "mean", get the average. If "diff", get their difference.

  • axis (int or str) – If 0, -2, or "x", get the x axis. If 1, -1, or "y", get the y axis. If "both", get "x" and "y" axes as a 2-tuple.

Returns the errors in all points in the scatter plot, either as a 1-dimensional NumPy array (if axis selects only one) or as a 2-tuple (if axis="both"). The value of which does not affect the return type.