Getting started guide
Opening a file
Open a ROOT file for reading with the function.
>>> import uproot
>>> file ="path/to/dataset.root")
The function can be (and usually should be) used like this:
>>> with"path/to/dataset.root") as file:
... do_something...
to automatically close the file after leaving the with
block. The path-name argument can be a local file (as above), a URL (”http://
” or “https://
”), S3 (”s3://
) or XRootD (”root://
”) if you have the Python interface to XRootD installed. It can also be a Python file-like object with read
and seek
methods, but such objects can’t be read in parallel.
The function has many options, including alternate handlers for each input type, num_workers
to control parallel reading, and caches (object_cache
and array_cache
). The defaults attempt to optimize parallel processing, caching, and batching of remote requests, but better performance can often be obtained by tuning these parameters.
Finding objects in a file
The object returned by represents a TDirectory inside the file (/
>>> file ="")
>>> file
<ReadOnlyDirectory '/' at 0x7c070dc03040>
This object is a Python Mapping, which means that you can get a list of contents with keys.
>>> file.keys()
['one;1', 'one/two;1', 'one/two/tree;1', 'one/tree;1', 'three;1', 'three/tree;1']
and extract an item (read it from the file) with square brackets. The cycle number (after ;
) doesn’t have to be included and you can extract from TDirectories in TDirectories with slashes (/
>>> file["one"]
<ReadOnlyDirectory '/one' at 0x78a2045f0fa0>
>>> file["one"]["two"]
<ReadOnlyDirectory '/one/two' at 0x78a2045fcca0>
>>> file["one"]["two"]["tree"]
<TTree 'tree' (20 branches) at 0x78a2045fcf40>
>>> file["one/two/tree"]
<TTree 'tree' (20 branches) at 0x78a2045fcf40>
Data, including nested TDirectories, are not read from disk until they are explicitly requested with square brackets (or another Mapping function, like values or items).
You can get the names of classes without reading the objects by using classnames.
>>> file.classnames()
{'one': 'TDirectory', 'one/two': 'TDirectory', 'one/two/tree': 'TTree', 'one/tree': 'TTree',
'three': 'TDirectory', 'three/tree': 'TTree'}
As a shortcut, you can open a file and jump straight to the object by separating the file path and object path with a colon (:
>>> events ="")
>>> events
<TTree 'events' (20 branches) at 0x78e575394b20>
Colon separators are only allowed in strings, so you can open files that have colons in their names by wrapping them in a pathlib.Path.
Extracting histograms from a file
Uproot can read most types of objects, but only a few of them have been overloaded with specialized behaviors.
>>> file ="")
>>> file.classnames()
{'hpx': 'TH1F', 'hpxpy': 'TH2F', 'hprof': 'TProfile', 'ntuple': 'TNtuple'}
Classes unknown to Uproot can be accessed through their members (raw C++ members that have been serialized into the file):
>>> file["hpx"].all_members
{'@fUniqueID': 0, '@fBits': 50331656, 'fName': 'hpx', 'fTitle': 'This is the px distribution',
'fLineColor': 602, 'fLineStyle': 1, 'fLineWidth': 1, 'fFillColor': 0, 'fFillStyle': 1001,
'fMarkerColor': 1, 'fMarkerStyle': 1, 'fMarkerSize': 1.0, 'fNcells': 102,
'fXaxis': <TAxis (version 9) at 0x7ca18fdb83a0>,
'fYaxis': <TAxis (version 9) at 0x7ca18fdb8940>,
'fZaxis': <TAxis (version 9) at 0x7ca18fdb8ca0>, 'fBarOffset': 0, 'fBarWidth': 1000,
'fEntries': 75000.0, 'fTsumw': 74994.0, 'fTsumw2': 74994.0, 'fTsumwx': -97.16475860591163,
'fTsumwx2': 75251.86518025988, 'fMaximum': -1111.0, 'fMinimum': -1111.0, 'fNormFactor': 0.0,
'fContour': <TArrayD [] at 0x7ca18fdb80d0>, 'fSumw2': <TArrayD [] at 0x7ca18fdb8f70>,
'fOption': <TString '' at 0x7ca18fdbd120>, 'fFunctions': <TList of 1 items at 0x7ca18fdc30d0>,
'fBufferSize': 0, 'fBuffer': array([], dtype=float64), 'fBinStatErrOpt': 0, 'fN': 102}
>>> file["hpx"].member("fName")
But some classes, like uproot.behaviors.TH1.TH1, uproot.behaviors.TProfile.TProfile, and uproot.behaviors.TH2.TH2, have high-level “behaviors” defined in uproot.behaviors to make them easier to use.
Histograms have edges, values, and errors methods to extract histogram axes and bin contents directly into NumPy arrays. (Keep in mind that a histogram axis with N bins has N + 1 edges, and that the edges include underflow and overflow as -np.inf
and np.inf
>>> file["hpx"].axis().edges()
array([ -inf, -4. , -3.92, -3.84, -3.76, -3.68, -3.6 , -3.52, -3.44,
-3.36, -3.28, -3.2 , -3.12, -3.04, -2.96, -2.88, -2.8 , -2.72,
-2.64, -2.56, -2.48, -2.4 , -2.32, -2.24, -2.16, -2.08, -2. ,
-1.92, -1.84, -1.76, -1.68, -1.6 , -1.52, -1.44, -1.36, -1.28,
-1.2 , -1.12, -1.04, -0.96, -0.88, -0.8 , -0.72, -0.64, -0.56,
-0.48, -0.4 , -0.32, -0.24, -0.16, -0.08, 0. , 0.08, 0.16,
0.24, 0.32, 0.4 , 0.48, 0.56, 0.64, 0.72, 0.8 , 0.88,
0.96, 1.04, 1.12, 1.2 , 1.28, 1.36, 1.44, 1.52, 1.6 ,
1.68, 1.76, 1.84, 1.92, 2. , 2.08, 2.16, 2.24, 2.32,
2.4 , 2.48, 2.56, 2.64, 2.72, 2.8 , 2.88, 2.96, 3.04,
3.12, 3.2 , 3.28, 3.36, 3.44, 3.52, 3.6 , 3.68, 3.76,
3.84, 3.92, 4. , inf])
>>> file["hpx"].values()
array([2.000e+00, 2.000e+00, 3.000e+00, 1.000e+00, 1.000e+00, 2.000e+00,
4.000e+00, 6.000e+00, 1.200e+01, 8.000e+00, 9.000e+00, 1.500e+01,
1.500e+01, 3.100e+01, 3.500e+01, 4.000e+01, 6.400e+01, 6.400e+01,
8.100e+01, 1.080e+02, 1.240e+02, 1.560e+02, 1.650e+02, 2.090e+02,
2.620e+02, 2.970e+02, 3.920e+02, 4.320e+02, 4.660e+02, 5.210e+02,
6.040e+02, 6.570e+02, 7.880e+02, 9.030e+02, 1.079e+03, 1.135e+03,
1.160e+03, 1.383e+03, 1.458e+03, 1.612e+03, 1.770e+03, 1.868e+03,
1.861e+03, 1.946e+03, 2.114e+03, 2.175e+03, 2.207e+03, 2.273e+03,
2.276e+03, 2.329e+03, 2.325e+03, 2.381e+03, 2.417e+03, 2.364e+03,
2.284e+03, 2.188e+03, 2.164e+03, 2.130e+03, 1.940e+03, 1.859e+03,
1.763e+03, 1.700e+03, 1.611e+03, 1.459e+03, 1.390e+03, 1.237e+03,
1.083e+03, 1.046e+03, 8.880e+02, 7.520e+02, 7.420e+02, 6.730e+02,
5.550e+02, 5.330e+02, 3.660e+02, 3.780e+02, 2.720e+02, 2.560e+02,
2.000e+02, 1.740e+02, 1.320e+02, 1.180e+02, 1.000e+02, 8.900e+01,
8.600e+01, 3.900e+01, 3.700e+01, 2.500e+01, 2.300e+01, 2.000e+01,
1.600e+01, 1.400e+01, 9.000e+00, 1.300e+01, 8.000e+00, 2.000e+00,
2.000e+00, 6.000e+00, 1.000e+00, 0.000e+00, 1.000e+00, 4.000e+00],
>>> file["hprof"].errors()
array([0.24254264, 0.74212103, 0.49400663, 0. , 0. ,
0.24649804, 0.55553737, 0.24357922, 0.22461613, 0.34906168,
0.43563347, 0.51286511, 0.20863074, 0.28308077, 0.28915414,
0.16769727, 0.17257732, 0.12765099, 0.10176558, 0.15209837,
0.11509671, 0.1014912 , 0.1143207 , 0.09759737, 0.09257268,
0.06761853, 0.07883833, 0.06391972, 0.07016808, 0.06790635,
0.05330255, 0.05630489, 0.05523831, 0.04797496, 0.04255815,
0.04422412, 0.04089869, 0.03453675, 0.03943858, 0.03461427,
0.03618794, 0.03408547, 0.03170797, 0.03121938, 0.03011256,
0.02926609, 0.03012814, 0.02977365, 0.02974839, 0.03081958,
0.0313295 , 0.0293942 , 0.02925847, 0.0293043 , 0.02804402,
0.03117598, 0.03010833, 0.03149117, 0.02909491, 0.0325676 ,
0.03445547, 0.03480207, 0.0327122 , 0.03860859, 0.03885261,
0.03856341, 0.04624045, 0.04543318, 0.04864621, 0.05203739,
0.04324402, 0.05850656, 0.05970975, 0.0659423 , 0.07220151,
0.08170132, 0.08712811, 0.08092333, 0.09191357, 0.10837656,
0.10509033, 0.15493381, 0.12013956, 0.11435862, 0.183943 ,
0.36368702, 0.13346263, 0.18325723, 0.17988976, 0.19265302,
0.35247309, 0.18420323, 0.59593532, 0.21540243, 0.11755951,
1.66198443, 0.13528127, 0.45343914, 0. , 0. ,
0. , 0.1681792 ])
Since Uproot is an I/O library, it intentionally does not have methods for plotting or manipulating histograms. Instead, it has methods for exporting them to other libraries.
>>> file["hpxpy"].to_numpy()
(array([[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0.]], dtype=float32),
array([-4. , -3.8, -3.6, -3.4, -3.2, -3. , -2.8, -2.6, -2.4, -2.2, -2. ,
-1.8, -1.6, -1.4, -1.2, -1. , -0.8, -0.6, -0.4, -0.2, 0. , 0.2,
0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1. , 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2. , 2.2, 2.4,
2.6, 2.8, 3. , 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 4. ]),
array([-4. , -3.8, -3.6, -3.4, -3.2, -3. , -2.8, -2.6, -2.4, -2.2, -2. ,
-1.8, -1.6, -1.4, -1.2, -1. , -0.8, -0.6, -0.4, -0.2, 0. , 0.2,
0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1. , 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2. , 2.2, 2.4,
2.6, 2.8, 3. , 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.8, 4. ]))
>>> file["hpxpy"].to_boost()
Regular(40, -4, 4),
Regular(40, -4, 4),
storage=Double()) # Sum: 74985.0 (75000.0 with flow)
>>> file["hpxpy"].to_hist()
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "/home/jpivarski/irishep/uproot/uproot/", line 237, in hist
# import hist
# ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'hist'
# During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
# File "/home/jpivarski/irishep/uproot/uproot/behaviors/", line 127, in to_hist
# return uproot.extras.hist().Hist(self.to_boost())
# File "/home/jpivarski/irishep/uproot/uproot/", line 239, in hist
# raise ImportError(
# ImportError: install the 'hist' package with:
# pip install hist
If one of those libraries is not currently installed, a hint is provided for how to get it.
After installing hist, we see
>>> file["hpxpy"].to_hist()
Regular(40, -4, 4, name='xaxis', label='xaxis'),
Regular(40, -4, 4, name='yaxis', label='yaxis'),
storage=Double()) # Sum: 74985.0 (75000.0 with flow)
For histogramming, I recommend
mplhep for plotting NumPy-like histograms in Matplotlib.
boost-histogram for fast filling and manipulation.
hist for plotting, filling, manipulation, and fitting all in one package.
Inspecting a TBranches of a TTree
uproot.TTree, with the lists of uproot.TBranch it contains, are Uproot’s most important “overloaded behaviors.” Like uproot.ReadOnlyDirectory, a TTree is a Mapping, though it maps TBranch names to the (already read) uproot.TBranch objects it contains. Since TBranches can contain more TBranches, both of these are subclasses of a general uproot.behaviors.TBranch.HasBranches.
>>> events ="")
>>> events.keys()
['Type', 'Run', 'Event', 'E1', 'px1', 'py1', 'pz1', 'pt1', 'eta1', 'phi1', 'Q1', 'E2', 'px2',
'py2', 'pz2', 'pt2', 'eta2', 'phi2', 'Q2', 'M']
>>> events.values()
[<TBranch 'Type' at 0x78e575394fa0>, <TBranch 'Run' at 0x78e5753ba730>,
<TBranch 'Event' at 0x78e5753bae50>, <TBranch 'E1' at 0x78e5753bf5b0>,
<TBranch 'px1' at 0x78e5753bfcd0>, <TBranch 'py1' at 0x78e574bfc430>,
<TBranch 'pz1' at 0x78e574bfcb50>, <TBranch 'pt1' at 0x78e574c022b0>,
<TBranch 'eta1' at 0x78e574c029d0>, <TBranch 'phi1' at 0x78e574c02e80>,
<TBranch 'Q1' at 0x78e574c08850>, <TBranch 'E2' at 0x78e574c08f70>,
<TBranch 'px2' at 0x78e574c0c6d0>, <TBranch 'py2' at 0x78e574c0cdf0>,
<TBranch 'pz2' at 0x78e574c12550>, <TBranch 'pt2' at 0x78e574c12c70>,
<TBranch 'eta2' at 0x78e574c193d0>, <TBranch 'phi2' at 0x78e574c19af0>,
<TBranch 'Q2' at 0x78e574c19fa0>, <TBranch 'M' at 0x78e574c1e970>]
>>> events["M"]
<TBranch 'M' at 0x78e574c1e970>
Like a TDirectory’s classnames, you can access the TBranch data types without reading data by calling typenames.
>>> events.typenames()
{'Type': 'char*', 'Run': 'int32_t', 'Event': 'int32_t', 'E1': 'double', 'px1': 'double',
'py1': 'double', 'pz1': 'double', 'pt1': 'double', 'eta1': 'double', 'phi1': 'double',
'Q1': 'int32_t', 'E2': 'double', 'px2': 'double', 'py2': 'double', 'pz2': 'double',
'pt2': 'double', 'eta2': 'double', 'phi2': 'double', 'Q2': 'int32_t', 'M': 'double'}
In an interactive session, it’s often more convenient to call show.
name | typename | interpretation
Type | char* | AsStrings()
Run | int32_t | AsDtype('>i4')
Event | int32_t | AsDtype('>i4')
E1 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
px1 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
py1 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
pz1 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
pt1 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
eta1 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
phi1 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
Q1 | int32_t | AsDtype('>i4')
E2 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
px2 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
py2 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
pz2 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
pt2 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
eta2 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
phi2 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
Q2 | int32_t | AsDtype('>i4')
M | double | AsDtype('>f8')
The third column, interpretation
, indicates how data in the TBranch will be interpreted as an array.
Reading a TBranch as an array
A TBranch may be turned into an array with the array method. The array is not read from disk until this method is called (or other array-fetching methods described below).
>>> events ="")
>>> events["M"].array()
<Array [82.5, 83.6, 83.3, ... 96, 96.5, 96.7] type='2304 * float64'>
By default, the array is an Awkward Array, as shown above. This assumes that Awkward Array is installed (see How to install). If you can’t install it or want to use NumPy for other reasons, pass library="np"
instead of the default library="ak"
or globally set uproot.default_library
>>> events["M"].array(library="np")
array([82.46269156, 83.62620401, 83.30846467, ..., 95.96547966,
96.49594381, 96.65672765])
Another library option is library="pd"
for Pandas, and a single TBranch is (usually) presented as a pandas.Series.
>>> events["M"].array(library="pd")
0 82.462692
1 83.626204
2 83.308465
3 82.149373
4 90.469123
2299 60.047138
2300 96.125376
2301 95.965480
2302 96.495944
2303 96.656728
Length: 2304, dtype: float64
If you don’t have the specified library (including the default, Awkward Array), you’ll be prompted with instructions to install it.
>>> events["M"].array(library="pd")
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jpivarski/irishep/uproot/uproot/", line 43, in pandas
import pandas
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas'
ImportError: install the 'pandas' package with:
pip install pandas
conda install pandas
The array method has many options, including limitations on reading (entry_start
and entry_stop
), parallelization (decompression_executor
and interpretation_executor
), and caching (array_cache
). For details, see the reference documentation for array.
Reading multiple TBranches as a group of arrays
To read more than one TBranch, you could use the array method from the previous section multiple times, but you could also use arrays (plural) on the TTree itself.
>>> events ="")
>>> momentum = events.arrays(["px1", "py1", "pz1"])
>>> momentum
<Array [{px1: -41.2, ... pz1: -74.8}] type='2304 * {"px1": float64, "py1": float...'>
The return value is a group of arrays, where a “group” has different meanings in different libraries. For Awkward Array (above), a group is an array of records, which can be projected like this:
>>> momentum["px1"]
<Array [-41.2, 35.1, 35.1, ... 32.4, 32.5] type='2304 * float64'>
For NumPy, a group is a dict of arrays.
>>> momentum = events.arrays(["px1", "py1", "pz1"], library="np")
>>> momentum
{'px1': array([-41.19528764, 35.11804977, 35.11804977, ..., 32.37749196,
32.37749196, 32.48539387]),
'py1': array([ 17.4332439 , -16.57036233, -16.57036233, ..., 1.19940578,
1.19940578, 1.2013503 ]),
'pz1': array([-68.96496181, -48.77524654, -48.77524654, ..., -74.53243061,
-74.53243061, -74.80837247])}
>>> momentum["px1"]
array([-41.19528764, 35.11804977, 35.11804977, ..., 32.37749196,
32.37749196, 32.48539387])
For Pandas, a group is a pandas.DataFrame.
>>> momentum = events.arrays(["px1", "py1", "pz1"], library="pd")
>>> momentum
px1 py1 pz1
0 -41.195288 17.433244 -68.964962
1 35.118050 -16.570362 -48.775247
2 35.118050 -16.570362 -48.775247
3 34.144437 -16.119525 -47.426984
4 22.783582 15.036444 -31.689894
... ... ... ...
2299 19.054651 14.833954 22.051323
2300 -68.041915 -26.105847 -152.235018
2301 32.377492 1.199406 -74.532431
2302 32.377492 1.199406 -74.532431
2303 32.485394 1.201350 -74.808372
[2304 rows x 3 columns]
>>> momentum["px1"]
0 -41.195288
1 35.118050
2 35.118050
3 34.144437
4 22.783582
2299 19.054651
2300 -68.041915
2301 32.377492
2302 32.377492
2303 32.485394
Name: px1, Length: 2304, dtype: float64
Even though you can extract individual arrays from these objects, they’re read, decompressed, and interpreted as soon as you ask for them. Unless you’re working with small files, be sure not to read everything when you only want a few of the arrays!
Reading TBranches into Dask collections
Uproot supports reading TBranches into Dask collections with the uproot.dask function. If library='np'
, the array will be a dask.array, and if library='ak'
, the array will be a dak.Array. (library='pd'
is in development, but the target would be dask.dataframe.)
>>> uproot.dask(root_file)
dask.awkward<from-uproot, npartitions=1>
>>> dak_arr = uproot.dask(root_file)
>>> ak_arr = dak_arr.compute() # TBranches are not read until compute is called
[{one: 1, two: 1.1, three: 'uno'},
{one: 2, two: 2.2, three: 'dos'},
{one: 3, two: 3.3, three: 'tres'},
{one: 4, two: 4.4, three: 'quatro'}]
>>> uproot.dask(root_file,library='np') # now with library='np'
'one': dask.array<one-from-uproot, shape=(4,), dtype=int32, chunksize=(4,), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>,
'two': dask.array<two-from-uproot, shape=(4,), dtype=float32, chunksize=(4,), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>,
'three': dask.array<three-from-uproot, shape=(4,), dtype=object, chunksize=(4,), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
>>> branch_dict = uproot.dask(root_file,library='np')
>>> branch_dict['one'].compute() # again, TBranch data isn't read until compute is called
array([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=int32)
Eager workflows can be converted to dask graphs that encode the order and interdependacies of computations that need to be performed. Consider the following workflow:
>>> dask_dict = uproot.dask(root_file, library='np')
>>> px = dask_dict['px1']
>>> py = dask_dict['py1']
>>> import numpy as np
>>> pt = np.sqrt(px**2 + py**2)
>>> pt # no data has been read yet
dask.array<sqrt, shape=(2304,), dtype=float64, chunksize=(2304,), chunktype=numpy.ndarray>
>>> pt.compute() # Only after compute is called, the TBranch data is read and further computations are executed.
array([44.7322, 38.8311, 38.8311, ..., 32.3997, 32.3997, 32.5076])
The dask graph for this can be visualized with pt.visualize()
. The resultant image is shown below.

All Dask arrays have a “chunk” size that determines how many entries are read at a time, or how many entries each Dask worker reads in each Dask task. The size of these chunks can be controlled with the step_size
Filtering TBranches
If no arguments are passed to arrays, all TBranches will be read. If your file has many TBranches, this might not be desirable or possible. You can select specific TBranches by name, as in the previous section, but you can also use a filter (filter_name
, filter_typename
, or filter_branch
) to select TBranches by name, type, or other attributes.
The keys, values, items, and typenames methods take the same arguments, so you can test your filters before reading any data.
>>> events ="")
>>> events.keys(filter_name="px*")
['px1', 'px2']
>>> events.arrays(filter_name="px*")
<Array [{px1: -41.2, ... px2: -68.8}] type='2304 * {"px1": float64, "px2": float64}'>
>>> events.keys(filter_name="/p[xyz][0-9]/i")
['px1', 'py1', 'pz1', 'px2', 'py2', 'pz2']
>>> events.arrays(filter_name="/p[xyz][0-9]/i")
<Array [{px1: -41.2, py1: 17.4, ... pz2: -154}] type='2304 * {"px1": float64, "p...'>
>>> events.keys(filter_branch=lambda b: b.compression_ratio > 10)
['Run', 'Q1', 'Q2']
>>> events.arrays(filter_branch=lambda b: b.compression_ratio > 10)
<Array [{Run: 148031, Q1: 1, ... Q2: -1}] type='2304 * {"Run": int32, "Q1": int3...'>
Computing expressions and cuts
The first argument of arrays, which we used above to pass explicit TBranch names,
>>> events ="")
>>> events.arrays(["px1", "py1", "pz1"])
<Array [{px1: -41.2, ... pz1: -74.8}] type='2304 * {"px1": float64, "py1": float...'>
can also compute expressions:
>>> events.arrays("sqrt(px1**2 + py1**2)")
<Array [{'sqrt(px1**2 + py1**2)': 44.7, ... ] type='2304 * {"sqrt(px1**2 + py1**...'>
If the TTree has any aliases, you can refer to those aliases by name, or you can create new aliases to give better names to the keys of the output dict, Awkward records, or Pandas columns.
>>> events.arrays("pt1", aliases={"pt1": "sqrt(px1**2 + py1**2)"})
<Array [{pt1: 44.7}, ... {pt1: 32.4}] type='2304 * {"pt1": float64}'>
The second argument is a cut
, or filter on entries. Whereas the uncut array (above) has 2304 entries, the cut array (below) has 290 entries.
>>> events.arrays(["M"], "pt1 > 50", aliases={"pt1": "sqrt(px1**2 + py1**2)"})
<Array [{M: 91.8}, {M: 91.9, ... {M: 96.1}] type='290 * {"M": float64}'>
or with additional cut conditions expressed using parentheses, the cut array (below) has 269 entries.
>>> events.arrays(["M"], "(pt1 > 50) & ((E1>100) | (E1<90))", aliases={"pt1": "sqrt(px1**2 + py1**2)"})
<Array [{M: 91.8}, {M: 91.9, ... {M: 96.1}] type='269 * {"M": float64}'>
Note that expressions are not, in general, computed more quickly if expressed in these strings. The above is equivalent to the following:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> arrays = events.arrays(["px1", "py1", "M"])
>>> pt1 = np.sqrt(arrays.px1**2 + arrays.py1**2)
>>> arrays.M[pt1 > 50]
<Array [91.8, 91.9, 91.7, ... 90.1, 90.1, 96.1] type='289 * float64'>
but perhaps more convenient. If what you want to compute requires more than one expression, you’ll have to move it out of strings into Python.
The default language
is uproot.language.python.PythonLanguage, but other languages, like ROOT’s TTree::Draw syntax are foreseen in the future. Thus, implicit loops (e.g. Sum$(...)
) have to be translated to their Awkward equivalents and ROOT::Math
functions have to be translated to their NumPy equivalents.
Nested data structures
Not all datasets have one value per entry. In particle physics, we often have different numbers of particles (and particle attributes) per collision event.
>>> events ="")
name | typename | interpretation
NJet | int32_t | AsDtype('>i4')
Jet_Px | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
Jet_Py | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
Jet_Pz | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
Jet_E | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
Jet_btag | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
Jet_ID | bool[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('bool'))
NMuon | int32_t | AsDtype('>i4')
Muon_Px | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
Muon_Py | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
Muon_Pz | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
Muon_E | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
Muon_Charge | int32_t[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>i4'))
Muon_Iso | float[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f4'))
These datasets have a natural expression as Awkward Arrays:
>>> events.keys(filter_name="/(Jet|Muon)_P[xyz]/")
['Jet_Px', 'Jet_Py', 'Jet_Pz', 'Muon_Px', 'Muon_Py', 'Muon_Pz']
>>> ak_arrays = events.arrays(filter_name="/(Jet|Muon)_P[xyz]/")
>>> ak_arrays[:2].tolist()
[{'Jet_Px': [],
'Jet_Py': [],
'Jet_Pz': [],
'Muon_Px': [-52.89945602416992, 37.7377815246582],
'Muon_Py': [-11.654671669006348, 0.6934735774993896],
'Muon_Pz': [-8.16079330444336, -11.307581901550293]},
{'Jet_Px': [-38.87471389770508],
'Jet_Py': [19.863452911376953],
'Jet_Pz': [-0.8949416279792786],
'Muon_Px': [-0.8164593577384949],
'Muon_Py': [-24.404258728027344],
'Muon_Pz': [20.199968338012695]}]
See the Awkward Array documentation for data analysis techniques using these types. (Python for loops work, but it’s faster and usually more convenient to use Awkward Array’s suite of NumPy-like functions.)
The same dataset can be read as a NumPy array with dtype="O"
(Python objects), which puts NumPy arrays inside of NumPy arrays.
>>> np_arrays = events.arrays(filter_name="/(Jet|Muon)_P[xyz]/", library="np")
>>> np_arrays
{'Jet_Px': array([array([], dtype=float32), array([-38.874714], dtype=float32),
array([], dtype=float32), ..., array([-3.7148185], dtype=float32),
array([-36.361286, -15.256871], dtype=float32),
array([], dtype=float32)], dtype=object),
'Jet_Py': array([array([], dtype=float32), array([19.863453], dtype=float32),
array([], dtype=float32), ..., array([-37.202377], dtype=float32),
array([ 10.173571, -27.175364], dtype=float32),
array([], dtype=float32)], dtype=object),
'Jet_Pz': array([array([], dtype=float32), array([-0.8949416], dtype=float32),
array([], dtype=float32), ..., array([41.012222], dtype=float32),
array([226.42921 , 12.119683], dtype=float32),
array([], dtype=float32)], dtype=object),
'Muon_Px': array([array([-52.899456, 37.73778 ], dtype=float32),
array([-0.81645936], dtype=float32),
array([48.98783 , 0.8275667], dtype=float32), ...,
array([-29.756786], dtype=float32),
array([1.1418698], dtype=float32),
array([23.913206], dtype=float32)], dtype=object),
'Muon_Py': array([array([-11.654672 , 0.6934736], dtype=float32),
array([-24.404259], dtype=float32),
array([-21.723139, 29.800508], dtype=float32), ...,
array([-15.303859], dtype=float32),
array([63.60957], dtype=float32),
array([-35.665077], dtype=float32)], dtype=object),
'Muon_Pz': array([array([ -8.160793, -11.307582], dtype=float32),
array([20.199968], dtype=float32),
array([11.168285, 36.96519 ], dtype=float32), ...,
array([-52.66375], dtype=float32),
array([162.17632], dtype=float32),
array([54.719437], dtype=float32)], dtype=object)}
These “nested” NumPy arrays are not slicable as multidimensional arrays because NumPy can’t assume that all of the Python objects it contains have NumPy type.
>>> ak_arrays["Muon_Px"][:10, 0] # first Muon_Px of the first 10 events
<Array [-52.9, -0.816, 49, ... -53.2, -67] type='10 * float32'>
>>> np_arrays["Muon_Px"][:10, 0]
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
# IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed
The Pandas form for this type of data is a DataFrame with Awkward Dtype, provided by the awkward-pandas package.
>>> events.arrays(filter_name="/(Jet|Muon)_P[xyz]/", library="pd")
Jet_Px ... Muon_Pz
0 [] ... [-8.16079330444336, -11.307581901550293]
1 [-38.87471389770508] ... [20.199968338012695]
2 [] ... [11.168285369873047, 36.96519088745117]
3 [-71.6952133178711, 36.60636901855469, -28.866... ... [403.84844970703125, 335.0942077636719]
4 [3.880161762237549, 4.979579925537109] ... [-89.69573211669922, 20.115053176879883]
... ... ... ...
2416 [37.07146453857422] ... [61.715789794921875]
2417 [-33.19645690917969, -26.08602523803711] ... [160.8179168701172]
2418 [-3.7148184776306152] ... [-52.66374969482422]
2419 [-36.36128616333008, -15.256871223449707] ... [162.1763153076172]
2420 [] ... [54.71943664550781]
[2421 rows x 6 columns]
You can operate on Awkward Array data in Pandas using the .ak
accessor; see the [awkward-pandas documentation](
Before Uproot 5.0, Uproot exploded this data with a MultiIndex, such that each Pandas cell contains a number, not a list or other type. You can still do this using Awkward Array and ak.to_dataframe:
>>> import awkward as ak
>>> ak.to_dataframe(events.arrays(filter_name="/(Jet|Muon)_P[xyz]/", library="ak"))
Jet_Px Jet_Py Jet_Pz Muon_Px Muon_Py Muon_Pz
entry subentry
1 0 -38.874714 19.863453 -0.894942 -0.816459 -24.404259 20.199968
3 0 -71.695213 93.571579 196.296432 22.088331 -85.835464 403.848450
1 36.606369 21.838793 91.666283 76.691917 -13.956494 335.094208
4 0 3.880162 -75.234055 -359.601624 45.171322 67.248787 -89.695732
1 4.979580 -39.231731 68.456718 39.750957 25.403667 20.115053
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2414 0 33.961163 58.900467 -17.006561 -9.204197 -42.204014 -64.264900
2416 0 37.071465 20.131996 225.669037 -39.285824 -14.607491 61.715790
2417 0 -33.196457 -59.664749 -29.040150 35.067146 -14.150043 160.817917
2418 0 -3.714818 -37.202377 41.012222 -29.756786 -15.303859 -52.663750
2419 0 -36.361286 10.173571 226.429214 1.141870 63.609570 162.176315
[2038 rows x 6 columns]
Each row of the DataFrame represents one particle and the row index is broken down into “entry” and “subentry” levels. If the selected TBranches include data with different numbers of values per entry, then the return value is not a DataFrame, but a tuple of DataFrames, one for each multiplicity. See the Pandas documentation on joining for tips on how to analyze DataFrames with partially shared keys (“entry” but not “subentry”).
Iterating over intervals of entries
If you’re working with large datasets, you might not have enough memory to read all entries from the TBranches you need or you might not be able to compute derived quantities for the same number of entries.
In general, array-based workflows must iterate over batches with an optimized step size:
If the batches are too large, you’ll run out of memory.
If the batches are too small, the process will be slowed by the overhead of preparing to calculate each batch. (Array functions like the ones in NumPy and Awkward Array do one-time setup operations in slow Python and large-scale number crunching in compiled code.)
Procedural workflows, which operate on one entry (e.g. one particle physics collision event) at a time can be seen as an extreme of the latter, in which the batch size is one.
The iterate method has an interface like arrays, except that takes a step_size
parameter and iterates over batches of that size, rather than returning a single array group.
>>> events ="")
>>> for batch in events.iterate(step_size=500):
... print(repr(batch))
<Array [{Type: 'GT', Run: 148031, ... M: 87.7}] type='500 * {"Type": string, "Ru...'>
<Array [{Type: 'GT', Run: 148031, ... M: 72.5}] type='500 * {"Type": string, "Ru...'>
<Array [{Type: 'TT', Run: 148031, ... M: 92.9}] type='500 * {"Type": string, "Ru...'>
<Array [{Type: 'GT', Run: 148031, ... M: 94.6}] type='500 * {"Type": string, "Ru...'>
<Array [{Type: 'TT', Run: 148029, ... M: 96.7}] type='304 * {"Type": string, "Ru...'>
With a step_size
of 500, each array group has 500 entries except the last, which can have fewer (304 in this case). Also be aware that the above example reads all TBranches! You will likely want to select TBranches (columns) and the number of entries (rows) to define a batch. (See Filtering TBranches above.)
Since the optimal step size is “whatever fits in memory,” it’s better to tune it in memory-size units than number-of-entries units. Different data types have different numbers of bytes per item, but more importantly, different applications extract different sets of TBranches, so “N entries” tuned for one application would not be a good tune for another.
For this reason, it’s better to set the step_size
to a number of bytes, such as
>>> for batch in events.iterate(step_size="50 kB"):
... print(repr(batch))
<Array [{Type: 'GT', Run: 148031, ... M: 89.6}] type='667 * {"Type": string, "Ru...'>
<Array [{Type: 'TT', Run: 148031, ... M: 18.1}] type='667 * {"Type": string, "Ru...'>
<Array [{Type: 'GT', Run: 148031, ... M: 94.7}] type='667 * {"Type": string, "Ru...'>
<Array [{Type: 'GT', Run: 148029, ... M: 96.7}] type='303 * {"Type": string, "Ru...'>
(but much larger in a real case). Here, "50 kB"
corresponds to 667 entries (with the last step being the remainder). It’s possible to calculate the number of entries for a given memory size outside of iteration using num_entries_for.
>>> events.num_entries_for("50 kB")
>>> events.num_entries_for("50 kB", filter_name="/p[xyz][12]/")
>>> events.keys(filter_typename="double")
['E1', 'px1', 'py1', 'pz1', 'pt1', 'eta1', 'phi1', 'E2', 'px2', 'py2', 'pz2', 'pt2', 'eta2',
'phi2', 'M']
>>> events.num_entries_for("50 kB", filter_typename="double")
The number of entries for "50 kB"
depends strongly on which TBranches are being requested. It’s the memory size, not the number of entries, that matters most when tuning a workflow for a computer with limited memory.
See the iterate documentation for more, including a report=True
option to get a uproot.behaviors.TBranch.Report with each batch of data with entry numbers for bookkeeping.
>>> for batch, report in events.iterate(step_size="50 kB", report=True):
... print(report)
Report(<TTree 'events' (20 branches) at 0x7e8391770310>, 0, 667)
Report(<TTree 'events' (20 branches) at 0x7e8391770310>, 667, 1334)
Report(<TTree 'events' (20 branches) at 0x7e8391770310>, 1334, 2001)
Report(<TTree 'events' (20 branches) at 0x7e8391770310>, 2001, 2304)
Just as library="np"
and library="pd"
can be used to get NumPy and Pandas output in array and arrays, it can be used to yield NumPy arrays and Pandas DataFrames iteratively:
>>> for batch in events.iterate(step_size="100 kB", library="pd"):
... print(batch)
Type Run Event E1 ... eta2 phi2 Q2 M
0 GT 148031 10507008 82.201866 ... -1.05139 -0.440873 -1 82.462692
1 TT 148031 10507008 62.344929 ... -1.21769 2.741260 1 83.626204
2 GT 148031 10507008 62.344929 ... -1.21769 2.741260 1 83.308465
3 GG 148031 10507008 60.621875 ... -1.21769 2.741260 1 82.149373
4 GT 148031 105238546 41.826389 ... 1.44434 -2.707650 -1 90.469123
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ...
1328 GT 148031 607496200 4.385337 ... 1.76576 -0.582806 1 7.039820
1329 GT 148031 607496200 4.385337 ... 1.81014 2.523670 -1 11.655561
1330 TT 148031 607496200 8.301393 ... 1.76576 -0.582806 1 18.127933
1331 TT 148031 607496200 8.301393 ... 1.81014 2.523670 -1 6.952658
1332 TT 148031 607496200 8.301393 ... 2.18148 0.343855 1 1.759080
[1333 rows x 20 columns]
Type Run Event E1 ... eta2 phi2 Q2 M
1333 GT 148031 607496200 8.301393 ... 1.765760 -0.582806 1 18.099339
1334 GT 148031 607496200 8.301393 ... 1.810140 2.523670 -1 6.959646
1335 GG 148031 607496200 132.473942 ... 1.765760 -0.582806 1 93.373860
1336 GT 148031 608388587 59.548441 ... -0.565288 0.529327 -1 90.782261
1337 TT 148031 608388587 51.504863 ... -0.746182 -2.573870 1 90.685446
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ...
2299 GG 148029 99768888 32.701650 ... -0.645971 -2.404430 -1 60.047138
2300 GT 148029 99991333 168.780121 ... -1.570440 0.037027 1 96.125376
2301 TT 148029 99991333 81.270136 ... -1.482700 -2.775240 -1 95.965480
2302 GT 148029 99991333 81.270136 ... -1.482700 -2.775240 -1 96.495944
2303 GG 148029 99991333 81.566217 ... -1.482700 -2.775240 -1 96.656728
[971 rows x 20 columns]
Iterating over many files
Large datasets usually consist of many files, and abstractions like ROOT’s TChain simplify multi-file workflows by making a collection of files look like a single file.
Uproot’s iterate takes a step in the opposite direction: it breaks single-file access into batches, and designing a workflow around batches is like designing a workflow around files. To apply such an interface to many files, all that is needed is a way to express the list of files.
The uproot.iterate function (as opposed to the iterate method) takes a list of files as its first argument:
>>> for batch in uproot.iterate(["dir1/*.root:events", "dir2/*.root:events"]):
... do_something...
As with the single-file method, you’ll want to restrict the set of TBranches to include only those you use. (See Filtering TBranches above.)
The specification of file names has to include paths to the TTree
objects (more generally, uproot.behaviors.TBranch.HasBranches objects), so the colon (:
) separating file path and object path described above <#finding-objects-in-a-file> is more than just a convenience in this case. Since it is possible for file paths to include colons as part of the file or directory name, the following alternate syntax can also be used:
>>> for batch in uproot.iterate([{"dir1/*.root": "events"}, {"dir2/*.root": "events"}]):
... do_something...
If the step_size
(same meaning as in previous section) is smaller than the file size, the last batch of each file will likely be smaller than the rest: batches from one file are not mixed with batches from another file. Thus, the largest meaningful step_size
is the number of entries in the TTree (num_entries). See the next section for concatenating small files.
In multi-file iteration, the uproot.behaviors.TBranch.Report returned by report=True
distinguishes between global entry numbers (global_entry_start and global_entry_stop), which start once at the beginning of iteration, and TTree entry numbers (tree_entry_start and tree_entry_stop), which restart at the beginning of each TTree. The tree, file, and file_path attributes are also more useful in multi-file iteration.
Reading many files into big arrays
Although it iterates over multiple files, the uproot.iterate function is not a direct analogy of ROOT’s TChain because it does not make multi-file workflows look like single-file (non-iterating) workflows.
The simplest way to access many files is to concatenate them into one array. The uproot.concatenate function is a multi-file analogue of the arrays method, in that it returns a single array group.
>>> uproot.concatenate(["dir1/*.root:events", "dir2/*.root:events"], filter_name="p*1")
<Array [{px1: -41.2, ... pz1: -74.8}] type='23040 * {"px1": float64, "py1": float...'>
The arrays of all files have been entirely read into memory. In general, this is only possible if
the files are small,
the number of files is small, or
the selected branches do not represent a large fraction of the files.
If your computer has enough memory to do this, then it will likely be the fastest way to process the data, and it’s certainly easier than accumulating partial results in a loop. However, if you’re working on a small subsample that will be scaled up to a bigger analysis, then it would be a bad idea to develop your analysis with this interface. You would likely need to restructure it as a loop later.
(As a multi-file function, uproot.concatenate specifies file paths and TTree object paths just like uproot.iterate.)
Caching and memory management
Each file has an associated object_cache
and array_cache
, which streamline interactive use but could be surprising if you’re trying to track down memory use.
The object_cache
stores a number of objects like TDirectories, histograms, and TTrees. The main effect of this is that
>>> file ="")
>>> histogram = file["hpx"]
>>> (histogram, histogram)
(<TH1F (version 1) at 0x7d9a05a43370>, <TH1F (version 1) at 0x7d9a05a43370>)
>>> (file["hpx"], file["hpx"])
(<TH1F (version 1) at 0x7d9a05a43370>, <TH1F (version 1) at 0x7d9a05a43370>)
have identical performance. Not having to declare names for things that are already referenced by name simplifies bookkeeping.
The array_cache
stores array outputs up to a maximum number of bytes. The arrays must have an nbytes
or memory_usage
attribute/property to track usage, which NumPy, Awkward Array, and Pandas all have. As with the object_cache
, the array_cache
ensures that
>>> events ="")
>>> array = events["px1"].array()
>>> (array, array)
(<Array [-41.2, 35.1, 35.1, ... 32.4, 32.5] type='2304 * float64'>,
<Array [-41.2, 35.1, 35.1, ... 32.4, 32.5] type='2304 * float64'>)
>>> (events["px1"].array(), events["px1"].array())
(<Array [-41.2, 35.1, 35.1, ... 32.4, 32.5] type='2304 * float64'>,
<Array [-41.2, 35.1, 35.1, ... 32.4, 32.5] type='2304 * float64'>)
have the same performance, assuming that the caches are not overrun.
By default, each file has a separate cache of 100
objects and "100 MB"
of arrays. However, these can be overridden by passing an object_cache
or array_cache
argument to or setting the object_cache and array_cache properties.
Any MutableMapping will do (including a plain dict, which would keep objects forever), or you can set them to None
to prevent caching.
Parallel processing
Data are or can be read in parallel in each of the following three stages.
Physically reading bytes from disk or remote sources: the parallel processing or single-thread background processing is handled by the specific uproot.source.chunk.Source type, which can be influenced with options (particularly
).Decompressing TBasket (uproot.models.TBasket.Model_TBasket) data: depends on the
.Interpreting decompressed data with an array uproot.interpretation.Interpretation: depends on the
Like the caches, the default values for the last two are global uproot.decompression_executor
and uproot.interpretation_executor
objects. The default decompression_executor
is a uproot.ThreadPoolExecutor with as many workers as your computer has CPU cores. Decompression workloads are executed in compiled extensions with the Python GIL released, so they can afford to run with full parallelism. The default interpretation_executor
is a uproot.TrivialExecutor that behaves like an distributed executor, but actually runs sequentially. Most interpretation workflows are not computationally intensive or are currently implemented in Python, so they would not currently benefit from parallelism.
If, however, you’re working in an environment that puts limits on parallel processing (e.g. the CMS LPC or informal university computers), you may want to modify the defaults, either locally through a decompression_executor
or interpretation_executor
function parameter, or globally by replacing the global object.
Opening a file for writing
All of the above describes reading data only. If you want to write to ROOT files, you open them in a different way:
>>> file = uproot.recreate("path/to/new-file.root")
>>> file = uproot.update("path/to/existing-file.root")
The uproot.recreate function creates a new file, deleting any that might have previously existed with that name, and uproot.update opens a preexisting file to add to it or delete some of its objects. These correspond to "RECREATE"
and "UPDATE"
in ROOT (as well as the less often used uproot.create for "CREATE"
All of these functions can be (and usually should be) used like this:
>>> with uproot.recreate("/path/to/new-file.root") as file:
... do_something...
to automatically close the file after leaving the with
The key thing to be aware of is that writing is completely separate from reading: these functions return a uproot.WritableDirectory, rather than the uproot.ReadOnlyDirectory that returns, and these objects have different methods.
Writing objects to a file
The object returned by uproot.recreate or uproot.update represents a TDirectory inside the file.
>>> file = uproot.recreate("example.root")
>>> file
<WritableDirectory '/' at 0x7fad19df3cd0>
This object is a Python MutableMapping, which means that you can add data to it by assignment.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> file["hist"] = np.histogram(np.random.normal(0, 1, 100000))
>>> file["hist"]
<TH1D (version 3) at 0x7fad19e0a550>
To put data in a nested directory, just include slashes in the name.
>>> file["subdir/hist"] = np.histogram(np.random.normal(0, 1, 100000))
>>> file["subdir/hist"]
<TH1D (version 3) at 0x7fad1d472e20>
>>> file["subdir/README"] = "This directory has all the stuff in it."
>>> file["subdir/README"]
<TObjString 'This directory has all the stuff in it.' at 0x7faca9c354a0>
>>> file.keys()
['hist;1', 'subdir;1', 'subdir/hist;1', 'subdir/README;1']
>>> file.classnames()
{'hist;1': 'TH1D',
'subdir;1': 'TDirectory',
'subdir/hist;1': 'TH1D',
'subdir/README;1': 'TObjString'}
Empty directories can be made with the mkdir method.
A small but growing list of data types can be written to files:
strings: TObjString
histograms: TH1*, TH2*, TH3*
profile plots: TProfile, TProfile2D, TProfile3D
NumPy histograms created with np.histogram, np.histogram2d, and np.histogramdd with 3 dimensions or fewer
histograms that satisfy the Universal Histogram Interface (UHI) with 3 dimensions or fewer; this includes boost-histogram and hist
PyROOT objects
Here is an example using hist:
>>> import hist
>>> h =, -5, 5, name="x").Weight()
>>> h.fill(np.random.normal(0, 1, 100000))
Hist(Regular(10, -5, 5, name='x', label='x'), storage=Weight()) # Sum: WeightedSum(value=100000, variance=100000)
>>> file["from_hist"] = h
>>> file["from_hist"]
<TH1D (version 3) at 0x7f5fb6e78970>
And here’s an example using PyROOT:
>>> import ROOT
>>> pyroot_hist = ROOT.TH1F("h", "", 100, -3, 3)
>>> pyroot_hist.FillRandom("gaus", 100000)
>>> file["from_pyroot"] = pyroot_hist
>>> file["from_pyroot"]
<TH1F (version 3) at 0x7facaa8aac10>
This makes use of the uproot.from_pyroot function, which turns any (readable) PyROOT object into its corresponding uproot.Model.
>>> uproot.from_pyroot(pyroot_hist)
<TH1F (version 3) at 0x7facaa8b6df0>
>>> uproot.from_pyroot(pyroot_hist).to_numpy()
(array([ 28., 24., 36., 50., 70., 71., 86., 101., 82.,
128., 139., 181., 187., 218., 251., 281., 345., 355.,
387., 482., 492., 557., 577., 691., 701., 820., 919.,
882., 1016., 1122., 1269., 1353., 1426., 1474., 1517., 1610.,
1700., 1818., 1844., 2002., 2070., 2195., 2219., 2177., 2272.,
2278., 2347., 2407., 2431., 2410., 2407., 2462., 2375., 2388.,
2284., 2274., 2235., 2209., 2138., 1996., 1895., 1800., 1789.,
1698., 1648., 1604., 1478., 1399., 1264., 1213., 1128., 1019.,
948., 861., 825., 739., 636., 631., 511., 499., 464.,
420., 384., 296., 314., 258., 235., 187., 159., 134.,
121., 101., 92., 78., 79., 63., 49., 38., 42.,
35.], dtype=float32),
array([-3. , -2.94, -2.88, -2.82, -2.76, -2.7 , -2.64, -2.58, -2.52,
-2.46, -2.4 , -2.34, -2.28, -2.22, -2.16, -2.1 , -2.04, -1.98,
-1.92, -1.86, -1.8 , -1.74, -1.68, -1.62, -1.56, -1.5 , -1.44,
-1.38, -1.32, -1.26, -1.2 , -1.14, -1.08, -1.02, -0.96, -0.9 ,
-0.84, -0.78, -0.72, -0.66, -0.6 , -0.54, -0.48, -0.42, -0.36,
-0.3 , -0.24, -0.18, -0.12, -0.06, 0. , 0.06, 0.12, 0.18,
0.24, 0.3 , 0.36, 0.42, 0.48, 0.54, 0.6 , 0.66, 0.72,
0.78, 0.84, 0.9 , 0.96, 1.02, 1.08, 1.14, 1.2 , 1.26,
1.32, 1.38, 1.44, 1.5 , 1.56, 1.62, 1.68, 1.74, 1.8 ,
1.86, 1.92, 1.98, 2.04, 2.1 , 2.16, 2.22, 2.28, 2.34,
2.4 , 2.46, 2.52, 2.58, 2.64, 2.7 , 2.76, 2.82, 2.88,
2.94, 3. ]))
Removing objects from a file
As usual with a MutableMapping, you can delete objects with the del
>>> file.keys()
['hist;1', 'subdir;1', 'subdir/hist;1', 'subdir/README;1', 'from_hist;1', 'from_pyroot;1']
>>> del file["from_pyroot"]
>>> del file["from_hist"]
>>> del file["hist"]
>>> file.keys()
['subdir;1', 'subdir/hist;1', 'subdir/README;1']
This can delete objects created by Uproot or objects created by ROOT if the file was opened with uproot.update.
Writing TTrees to a file
TTrees are a special type of object, just as TDirectories are special: data can be cumulatively added to them.
However, uproot.WritableTree objects can be created in the same way as static objects, by assigning TTree-like data to a name in a directory.
>>> file["tree1"] = {"branch1": np.arange(1000), "branch2": np.arange(1000)*1.1}
>>> file["tree1"]
<WritableTree '/tree1' at 0x7f2ede193e20>
>>> file["tree1"].show()
name | typename | interpretation
branch1 | int64_t | AsDtype('>i8')
branch2 | double | AsDtype('>f8')
Python dicts of equal-length NumPy arrays are TTree-like, as are Pandas DataFrames:
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"x": np.arange(1000), "y": np.arange(1000)*1.1})
>>> df
x y
0 0 0.0
1 1 1.1
2 2 2.2
3 3 3.3
4 4 4.4
.. ... ...
995 995 1094.5
996 996 1095.6
997 997 1096.7
998 998 1097.8
999 999 1098.9
[1000 rows x 2 columns]
>>> file["tree2"] = df
>>> file["tree2"]
<WritableTree '/tree2' at 0x7f2e7c516d90>
>>> file["tree2"].show()
name | typename | interpretation
index | int64_t | AsDtype('>i8')
x | int64_t | AsDtype('>i8')
y | double | AsDtype('>f8')
If the arrays are Awkward Arrays, they can contain a variable number of values per entry:
>>> import awkward as ak
>>> file["tree3"] = {"branch": ak.Array([[1.1, 2.2, 3.3], [], [4.4, 5.5]])}
>>> file["tree3"]
<WritableTree '/tree3' at 0x7f2e7c516dc0>
>>> file["tree3"].show()
name | typename | interpretation
nbranch | int32_t | AsDtype('>i4')
branch | double[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f8'))
And Awkward record arrays, constructed with, can consolidate arrays to ensure that there is only one “counter” TBranch.
>>> file["tree4"] = {"Muon":{"pt": muon_pt, "eta": muon_eta, "phi": muon_phi})}
>>> file["tree4"]
<WritableTree '/tree4' at 0x7fee9e3ebc40>
>>> file["tree4"].show()
name | typename | interpretation
nMuon | int32_t | AsDtype('>i4')
Muon_pt | double[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f8'))
Muon_eta | double[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f8'))
Muon_phi | double[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>f8'))
The small but growing list of data types can be written as TTrees is:
dict of NumPy arrays (flat, multidimensional, and/or structured), Awkward Arrays containing one level of variable-length lists and/or one level of records, or a Pandas DataFrame with a numeric index
a single NumPy structured array (one level deep)
a single Awkward Array containing one level of variable-length lists and/or one level of records
a single Pandas DataFrame with a numeric index
Just as empty directories can be made with the mkdir method, empty TTrees can be made with mktree.
>>> file.mktree("tree5", {"x": ("f4", (3,)), "y": "var * int64"}, title="A title")
<WritableTree '/tree5' at 0x7fee9d3a5190>
>>> file["tree5"].show()
name | typename | interpretation
x | float[3] | AsDtype("('>f4', (3,))")
ny | int32_t | AsDtype('>i4')
y | int64_t[] | AsJagged(AsDtype('>i8'))
This method also provides control over the naming convention for counter TBranches and subfield TBranches (for structured NumPy, Pandas DataFrames, and Awkward record arrays inside a dict); see its documentation.
Extending TTrees with large datasets
It’s likely that you’ll want to write more data to disk than can fit in memory. The data in a uproot.WritableTree can be extended with the extend method (named in analogy with Python’s list.extend).
Using "tree5"
as an example (above),
>>> file["tree5"].num_entries, file["tree5"].num_baskets
(0, 0)
>>> file["tree5"].extend({
... "x": np.arange(15).reshape(5, 3),
... "y": ak.Array([[0.0, 1.1, 2.2], [], [3.3, 4.4], [5.5], [6.6, 7.7, 8.8, 9.9]])
... })
>>> file["tree5"].num_entries, file["tree5"].num_baskets
(5, 1)
>>> file["tree5"].extend({
... "x": np.arange(15).reshape(5, 3),
... "y": ak.Array([[0.0, 1.1, 2.2], [], [3.3, 4.4], [5.5], [6.6, 7.7, 8.8, 9.9]])
... })
>>> file["tree5"].num_entries, file["tree5"].num_baskets
(10, 2)
The extend method always adds one TBasket to each TBranch in the TTree. The data you provide must have the types that have been established in the first write or mktree call: exactly the same set of TBranch names and the same data type for each TBranch (or castable to it).
The arrays also have to have the same lengths as each other, though only in the first dimension. Above, the "x"
NumPy array has shape (5, 3)
: the first dimension has length 5. The "y"
Awkward array has type 5 * var * float64
: the first dimension has length 5. This is why they are compatible; the inner dimensions don’t matter (except inasmuch as they have the right type).
As a word of warning, be sure that each call to extend includes at least 100 kB per branch/array. (NumPy and Awkward Arrays have an nbytes property; you want at least 100000
per array.) If you ask Uproot to write very small TBaskets, such as the examples with length 5
above, it will spend more time working on TBasket overhead than actually writing data. The absolute worst case is one-entry-per-extend. See #428 (comment).
Specifying the compression
You can specify the compression for a whole file while opening it:
>>> file = uproot.recreate("example.root", compression=uproot.ZLIB(4))
>>> file.compression
This compression setting is mutable; you can change it at any time to compress some objects with one compression setting and other objects with another.
>>> file.compression = uproot.LZMA(9)
>>> file.compression
uproot.WritableTree objects also have a compression setting that can override the global one for the uproot.WritableFile.
>>> file.mktree("tree", {"x": "f4", "y": "var * int64"})
<WritableTree '/tree' at 0x7fcaeda25640>
>>> file["tree"].compression
>>> file["tree"].compression = uproot.LZ4(1)
>>> file["tree"].compression
In addition, each TBranch of the TTree can have a different compression setting:
>>> file["tree"]["x"].compression = uproot.ZSTD(1)
>>> file["tree"]["y"].compression = uproot.ZSTD(9)
>>> file["tree"].compression
{'x': ZSTD(1), 'ny': LZ4(1), 'y': ZSTD(9)}
>>> file["tree"].compression = {"x": None, "ny": None, "y": uproot.ZLIB(4)}
>>> file["tree"].compression
{'x': None, 'ny': None, 'y': ZLIB(4)}
Changes to the compression setting only affect TBaskets written after the change (with extend; see above).