
Defined in uproot.writing._dask_write on line 45.

uproot.writing._dask_write.dask_write(array, destination, compute=True, storage_options=None, prefix: str | None = None, tree_name='tree', title='', field_name=<function <lambda>>, initial_basket_capacity=10, counter_name=<function <lambda>>, resize_factor=10.0, compression='zlib', compression_level=1)
  • array (dask_awkward.Array) – The dask_awkward.Array collection to write to disk.

  • destination (path-like) – Where to store the output; this can be a local filesystem path or a remote filesystem path.

  • compute (bool) – If True, immediately compute the result (write data to disk). If False a Scalar collection will be returned such that compute can be explicitly called.

  • prefix (str) – An addition prefix for output files. If None all parts inside the destination directory will be named ?; if defined, the names will be f"{prefix}-partN.root".

  • tree_name (str) – Name of ttree to be written to. Default is “tree”.

  • title (str) – Title of ttree to be written to. Default is “”.

  • field_name (callable of str → str) – Function to generate TBranch names for columns of an Awkward record array or a Pandas DataFrame.

  • initial_basket_capacity (int) – Number of TBaskets that can be written to the TTree without rewriting the TTree metadata to make room.

  • resize_factor (float) – When the TTree metadata needs to be rewritten, this specifies how many more TBasket slots to allocate as a multiplicative factor.

  • compression (uproot.compression.Compression or None) – Compression algorithm and level for new objects added to the file. Can be updated after creating the uproot.WritableFile. Default is uproot.ZLIB(1).

Writes a dask-awkward array to a set of ROOT files. Data is written to a TTree